

You have several Linux machines, virtual and physical, and you manage them all on the command line (what else?) – there’s a thing I never new I needed until I found it.

I stumbled upon this great tool that allows you to sync your bash history between all your machines, using your own server (or theirs, if you trust them enough)

And with all the lovely Discworld references… who wouldn’t?

Get Atuin now here or here


Chocolatey Scheduled Auto-Upgrade

Just found an «evil» little package, that is even excluded from moderation. Basically it just makes it easy to create two Scheduled Tasks to run «choco upgrade all -y» – and kill it a while later in case it hangs.

choco install choco-upgrade-all-at --params "'/WEEKLY:yes /DAY:SUN /TIME:20:00 /ABORTTIME:22:00'"

If you prepare a PC for a family member and just want it to be a no-brainer that automatically, that’s quite handy. Pay attention to the order and number of quotation marks and apostrophes!

More information available on the package’s page.