Don’t like someone? Choose what asteroid ☄️ to launch at their place (size, material, speed, angle) and you get to see the damages on the map (crater, fireball, shock wave, earthquake)

Don’t like someone? Choose what asteroid ☄️ to launch at their place (size, material, speed, angle) and you get to see the damages on the map (crater, fireball, shock wave, earthquake)
If any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, it follows that any sufficiently fucked-up technology problem is indistinguishable from a curse.
Heute vor 7 Jahren prüfte ich an der damaligen Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil HSR (meiner Alma Mater) einen Jahrgang von angehenden Ingenieuren im Modul «Recht für Ingenieure». Mein damaliger Chef liess mich, nachdem ich den Block Strafrecht im Alleingang unterrichtet hatte, auch die Prüfungsaufgaben formulieren.
Diese hier lässt mich heute noch schmunzeln
Just needed to test something with my server, now I’m sitting here looking at it like this
I typed
«Draw me a Disney-Pixar styled picture of an Icelandic puffin slightly tapping with his foot on a rainbow bridge (the Bifröst), testing if it will support him»
into ChatGPT by mistake, and it replied
I’m sorry for any confusion, but as a text-based AI, I can’t draw pictures or images. However, I can help you visualize the scene with a description:
Imagine a charming Disney-Pixar styled Icelandic puffin with vibrant feathers, standing on the edge of the Bifröst, the rainbow bridge from Norse mythology. The puffin is tapping its foot gently on the bridge, testing its magical stability. The Bifröst arches gracefully across the sky with vivid colors, creating a magical atmosphere. The puffin has a curious and adventurous expression, capturing the whimsical moment as it explores the enchanted bridge.
I pasted this into Microsoft Image Creator for Designer, but the pasting was cut off to
Imagine a charming Disney-Pixar styled Icelandic puffin with vibrant feathers, standing on the edge of the Bifr
The result, however, is spectacular.