

You have several Linux machines, virtual and physical, and you manage them all on the command line (what else?) – there’s a thing I never new I needed until I found it.

I stumbled upon this great tool that allows you to sync your bash history between all your machines, using your own server (or theirs, if you trust them enough)

And with all the lovely Discworld references… who wouldn’t?

Get Atuin now here or here


Sticker: We do not test on animals, we test in production

In the three days since I uploaded it, you reposted my toot 266 times and starred it 468 times. And a lot of you asked, so here’s the vector graphic of my version of the «We do not test on animals, we test in production» sticker as SVG.

A sticker showing love for bunnies and a server stack in flames, inscription we do not test on animals, we test in production

Original idea found on reddit by u/AlFlakky (AlexBlintsov)

Used sources from

Star by Pixel perfect, Hase by torskaya, hacken by juicy_fish, dedizierter Server by Design Circle, Herz by IconBaandar

License: CC-BY-SA-NC 4.0

Weil ich nicht immer wieder an 50 Orten meine Links zu all den Social Media Accounts anpassen will, wenn mal wieder was ändert (Twitter heisst nun X *husthust*) und ich von #Linktree mässig begeistert bin, hab ich mir mal die Open Source Alternative #Linkstack angesehen – und fand sie genügend toll, dass ich alle meine Links auf der Instanz veröffentlicht habe: